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The Texas horned lizard as model for robust capillary structures for passive directional transport of cooling lubricants 会议论文
会议名称: Conference on Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication. 会议地点: Las Vegas, NV. 会议日期: MAR 21-22, 2016
Creator:  Comanns, Philipp;  Winands, Kai;  Pothen, Mario;  Bott, Raya A.;  Wagne, Hermann;  Baumgartner, Werner
Favorite  |  View/Download:7/0  |  Submit date:2019/12/09
biomimetic  moisture harvesting  fluid transport  directional capillary transport  surface structure  lubrication  laser surface structuring  sky-writing  burn-in effect  
The Texas horned lizard as model for robust capillary structures for passive directional transport of cooling lubricants 会议论文
会议名称: Conference on Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication. 会议地点: Las Vegas, NV. 会议日期: MAR 21-22, 2016
Creator:  Comanns, Philipp;  Winands, Kai;  Pothen, Mario;  Bott, Raya A.;  Wagne, Hermann;  Baumgartner, Werner
Favorite  |  View/Download:3/0  |  Submit date:2019/12/09
biomimetic  moisture harvesting  fluid transport  directional capillary transport  surface structure  lubrication  laser surface structuring  sky-writing  burn-in effect