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Southwest Alaska Regional Geothermal Energy Project 科技报告
. 出版年: 2015
作者:  Holdmann, Gwen [Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK (United States)]
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Analysis of Potential Leakage Pathways and Mineralization within Caprocks for Geologic Storage of CO2 科技报告
. 出版年: 2013
作者:  Evans, James [Utah State Univ., Logan, UT (United States)]
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Historic American engineering record. Nevada national security site, Bren Tower Complex. Written historical and descriptive data and field records 科技报告
报告编号: HAER NV--47. 出版年: 2013
作者:  Edwards, Susan R. [Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV (United States)];  Goldenberg, Nancy [Carey & Co Inc., San Francisco, CA (United States)]
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A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States. Reservoir Engineering 1976-2006 科技报告
. 出版年: 2010
作者:  Kennedy, B. Mack [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Pruess, Karsten [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Lippmann, Marcelo J. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Majer, Ernest L. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)];  Rose, Peter E. [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States)];  Adams, Michael [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States)];  Roberston-Tait, Ann [GeothermEx Inc., San Pablo, CA (United States)];  Moller, Nancy [Univ. of California, San Diego, CA (United States)];  Weare, John [Univ. of California, San Diego, CA (United States)];  Clutter, Ted [ArtComPhoto (United States)];  Brown, Donald W. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)]
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Esmeralda Energy Company, Final Scientific Technical Report, January 2008. Emigrant Slimhole Drilling Project, DOE GRED III 科技报告
报告编号: DOE--GO14339--3. 出版年: 2008
作者:  Deymonaz, John [Fish Lake Green Power Co. (United States)];  Hulen, Jeffrey B. [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geosciences Inst.];  Nash, Gregory D. [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Energy and Geosciences Inst.];  Schriener, Alex [Earth Systems Southwest (United States)]
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Hydrogen production from high moisture content biomass in supercritical water 科技报告
报告编号: NREL/CP--570-25315-Vol.2; CONF-980440--Vol.2. 出版年: 1998
作者:  Antal, M.J. Jr.;  Xu, X. [Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (United States). Hawaii Natural Energy Inst.]
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Dish/Stirling for Department of Defense applications final report 科技报告
报告编号: SAND--97-0527. 出版年: 1997
作者:  Diver, R.B.;  Menicucci, D.F. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States). Energy and Environment Div.]
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Old-field plant succession on the Pajarito Plateau 科技报告
报告编号: LA--13350. 出版年: 1997
作者:  Foxx, T.;  Mullen, M.;  Salisbury, M. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)];  Tierney, G. [Tierney (Gail), Santa Fe, NM (United States)]
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Faulting in the Yucca Mountain region: Critical review and analyses of tectonic data from the central Basin and Range 科技报告
报告编号: NUREG/CR--6401; CNWRA--95-017. 出版年: 1996
作者:  Ferrill, D.A.;  Stirewalt, G.L.;  Henderson, D.B.;  Stamatakos, J.;  Morris, A.P.;  Spivey, K.H. [Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX (United States). Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses];  Wernicke, B.P. [California Inst. of Tech., Pasadena, CA (United States). Div. of Geological and Planetary Sciences]
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Erosion and deposition on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico, and implications for geomorphic responses to late Quaternary climatic changes 科技报告
报告编号: LA-UR--96-582. 出版年: 1996
作者:  Reneau, S.L.;  McDonald, E.V.;  Gardner, J.N.;  Longmire, P.A. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)];  Kolbe, T.R. [Woodward-Clyde Federal Services, Oakland, CA (United States)];  Carney, J.S. [Kent State Univ., OH (United States). Dept. of Geology];  Watt, P.M. [New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque, NM (United States). Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences]
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