其他题名Holocene hydrology and environment changes in the Keriya River Delta in 13.8-2.3 ka in Taklimakan Desert: Inferred from the stratigraphy
张峰; 夏倩倩; 迪丽拜尔·吐尔孙; 刘建宗
中文摘要塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地克里雅河沿岸的古绿洲与人类活动遗迹丰富,伴随着河流的变迁,遗址印记了古代文明的消失,河道成为孕育绿洲的证据。在浩瀚的沙漠中,古 代文明与古绿洲属于依附关系。以圆沙古城为代表的圆沙古三角洲绿洲是孕育沙漠文明的典型。采自圆沙古城北侧深度约11 m的沉积剖面(KYN22),光释光测年和沉积学分析结果所示,剖面记录了13.8~2.3 ka时间段内圆沙古三角洲的环境变化:克里雅河全新世大部分时间活动于圆沙一带,早期大致经历了由风沙环境向河流环境的转变过程,13.8 ka至9.0~10.0 ka河流与风沙环境均有出现,中期以来至2.3 ka河流环境稳定。KYN22剖面所示克里雅河在圆沙的活动或为全新世气候变暖的结果。研究工作可为全新世克里雅河与塔里木盆地南缘环境演变研究提供新材 料。
英文摘要In the Tarim Basin, the Taklimakan Desert is the second largest shifting dune globally. Holocene relic sites in the desert hinterland suggested ancient rivers flowing, oasis occupation, and human activities. The Keriya River is one of the rivers that originated from the glacier mountains of south Tarim Basin. The Yuansha Site is the earliest city in the Taklimakan Desert, located in the delta area of the Keriya River and provided an ideal case for illustrating the relationship between the natural environment and human activities. To better understand this area' s past environment, we selected the KYN22 section (22 km from north of the Yuansha Site) and 134 grain size samples in the section from each depth for particle size distribution measurement and grain size parameter calculation. We collected four OSL chronology samples from the depth of 230 cm, 490 cm, 590 cm, and 1070 cm, respectively. The measurement results showed the following. (1) The main components of sediment samples are silt and very fine sand. (2) The grain size median diameter, sorting coefficient, skewness, and kurtosis changed at approximately 3.27- 6.86 Phi, 0.54- 2.50 Phi, - 0.30- 1.48 Phi, and 0.71- 1.71 Phi, respectively. (3) The OSL age measurement results are 6.40.4 ka, 9.80.6 ka, 10.10.5 ka, and 13.80.6 ka from the upper part to the bottom of the section, respectively. (4) The very fine sand content variation is consistent with that of fine sand and opposite with silt sand with depth increase, whereas the silty sand variation content is consistent with mild clay samples. (5) The sediment grains in the 0 to 550 cm depth composed mainly of silt, followed by very fine sand. In contrast, the sediment grains in the 550 to 1070 cm depth composed of very fine sand as the main content, and silt is the minor content. A reported OSL age (2.3 ka) at the upper layer of the section suggests that the KYN22 section recorded past environmental and landform changes of the Yuansha Delta in 13.8-2.3 ka. The section is mainly for fluvial activities, indicating that the Keriya River dominated this area most of the Holocene. The sediment sequence indicates the domination of aeolian activity at approximately 13.8 ka in earlier Holocene and the fluvial and aeolian activity in 9.8-10.1 ka; thus, fluvial activity controls from the middle to the late Holocene. The OSL age (13.8 ka) of the aeolian sand section bottom was followed with the formation of a paleochannel section at approximately 50 km east of the Yuansha and the high terrace formed in the upper reaches of the Keriya River, suggesting flooding events frequently occurred in the Tarim Basin's south margin. The fluvial sediment deposited in 9.8-10.1 ka was coeval with the increase of northern hemisphere solar radiation and temperature rising, suggesting increasing melt water in the Kunlun Mountains. This study provides a relatively complete Holocene sediment sequence recorded with reliable chronology data at the Keriya River's lower reaches. For oasis'prosperity and inhabitants'activities depending on the river, this section recorded the natural environment and the rise and fall of ancient civilization in the Keriya River delta.
中文关键词塔克拉玛干沙漠 ; 克里雅河 ; 圆沙古城 ; 粒度 ; 光释光测年 ; 全新世
英文关键词Taklimakan Desert Keriya River Yuansha City particle size OSL dating Holocene
作者单位张峰, 新疆大学, 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐, 新疆 830046, 中国. 迪丽拜尔·吐尔孙, 新疆大学, 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐, 新疆 830046, 中国. 刘建宗, 新疆大学, 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐, 新疆 830046, 中国. 夏倩倩, 伊犁师范大学生物与地科学学院, 伊宁, 新疆 835000, 中国.
GB/T 7714
张峰,夏倩倩,迪丽拜尔·吐尔孙,等. 克里雅河尾闾圆沙三角洲古河道剖面所记录全新世古绿洲环境变化[J]. 新疆大学,2021,44(1).
APA 张峰,夏倩倩,迪丽拜尔·吐尔孙,&刘建宗.(2021).克里雅河尾闾圆沙三角洲古河道剖面所记录全新世古绿洲环境变化.干旱区地理,44(1).
MLA 张峰,et al."克里雅河尾闾圆沙三角洲古河道剖面所记录全新世古绿洲环境变化".干旱区地理 44.1(2021).
