Limited heat tolerance in an Arctic passerine: Thermoregulatory implications for cold-specialized birds in a rapidly warming world
O'Connor, Ryan S.; Le Pogam, Audrey; Young, Kevin G.; Robitaille, Francis; Choy, Emily S.; Love, Oliver P.; Elliott, Kyle H.; Hargreaves, Anna L.; Berteaux, Dominique; Tam, Andrew; Vezina, Francois
通讯作者O'Connor, RS (corresponding author), Univ Quebec Rimouski, Dept Biol Chim & Geog, Rimouski, PQ G5L 3A1, Canada.
英文摘要1. Arctic animals inhabit some of the coldest environments on the planet and have evolved physiological mechanisms for minimizing heat loss under extreme cold. However, the Arctic is warming faster than the global average and how well Arctic animals tolerate even moderately high air temperatures (T-a) is unknown. 2. Using flow-through respirometry, we investigated the heat tolerance and evaporative cooling capacity of snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis; approximate to 31 g, N = 42), a cold specialist, Arctic songbird. We exposed buntings to increasing T-a and measured body temperature (T-b), resting metabolic rate (RMR), rates of evaporative water loss (EWL), and evaporative cooling efficiency (the ratio of evaporative heat loss to metabolic heat production). 3. Buntings had an average (+/- SD) T-b of 41.3 +/- 0.2 degrees C at thermoneutral T-a and increased T-b to a maximum of 43.5 +/- 0.3 degrees C. Buntings started panting at T-a of 33.2 +/- 1.7 degrees C, with rapid increases in EWL starting at T-a = 34.6 degrees C, meaning they experienced heat stress when air temperatures were well below their body temperature. Maximum rates of EWL were only 2.9x baseline rates at thermoneutral T-a, a markedly lower increase than seen in more heat-tolerant arid-zone species (e.g., >= 4.7x baseline rates). Heat-stressed buntings also had low evaporative cooling efficiencies, with 95% of individuals unable to evaporatively dissipate an amount of heat equivalent to their own metabolic heat production. 4. Our results suggest that buntings' well-developed cold tolerance may come at the cost of reduced heat tolerance. As the Arctic warms, and this and other species experience increased periods of heat stress, a limited capacity for evaporative cooling may force birds to increasingly rely on behavioral thermoregulation, such as minimizing activity, at the expense of diminished performance or reproductive investment.
英文关键词Arctic climate change evaporative cooling efficiency evaporative water loss heat dissipation snow bunting thermal physiology thermoregulatory polygon
开放获取类型DOAJ Gold, Green Published
WOS类目Ecology ; Evolutionary Biology
WOS研究方向Environmental Sciences & Ecology ; Evolutionary Biology
作者单位[O'Connor, Ryan S.; Le Pogam, Audrey; Robitaille, Francis; Berteaux, Dominique; Vezina, Francois] Univ Quebec Rimouski, Dept Biol Chim & Geog, Rimouski, PQ G5L 3A1, Canada; [O'Connor, Ryan S.; Le Pogam, Audrey; Berteaux, Dominique; Vezina, Francois] Grp Rech Environm Nord BOREAS, Rimouski, PQ, Canada; [O'Connor, Ryan S.; Le Pogam, Audrey; Berteaux, Dominique; Vezina, Francois] Ctr Etud Nord, Rimouski, PQ, Canada; [O'Connor, Ryan S.; Le Pogam, Audrey; Berteaux, Dominique; Vezina, Francois] Ctr Sci Biodiversite Quebec, Rimouski, PQ, Canada; [Young, Kevin G.] Western Univ, Dept Biol, Adv Facil Avian Res, London, ON, Canada; [Choy, Emily S.; Elliott, Kyle H.] McGill Univ, Dept Nat Resource Sci, Montreal, PQ, Canada; [Love, Oliver P.] Univ Windsor, Dept Integrat Biol, Windsor, ON, Canada; [Hargreaves, Anna L.] McGill Univ, Dept Biol Sci, Montreal, PQ, Canada; [Tam, Andrew] 8 Wing Environm, Dept Natl Def, Astra, ON, Canada
GB/T 7714
O'Connor, Ryan S.,Le Pogam, Audrey,Young, Kevin G.,et al. Limited heat tolerance in an Arctic passerine: Thermoregulatory implications for cold-specialized birds in a rapidly warming world[J],2021,11(4):1609-1619.
APA O'Connor, Ryan S..,Le Pogam, Audrey.,Young, Kevin G..,Robitaille, Francis.,Choy, Emily S..,...&Vezina, Francois.(2021).Limited heat tolerance in an Arctic passerine: Thermoregulatory implications for cold-specialized birds in a rapidly warming world.ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,11(4),1609-1619.
MLA O'Connor, Ryan S.,et al."Limited heat tolerance in an Arctic passerine: Thermoregulatory implications for cold-specialized birds in a rapidly warming world".ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 11.4(2021):1609-1619.
[O'Connor, Ryan S.]的文章
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