其他题名A method for detecting the damage of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff in Populus Euphratica forest based on Remote Sensing
导师何国金 ; 张兆明
中文摘要胡杨是存活于塔里木河流域的早期树种之一,聚集生长在干旱和半干旱地带,遏制着沙漠的继续扩张,在最残酷的生存环境中为人类创造了得以生存的空间。然而,近年春尺蠖虫害在新疆天然胡杨林区的持续出现,严重威胁着天然胡杨林的生存和绿色屏障功能的发挥。胡杨树体高大、分布稀疏、覆盖面积较广,传统监测方法难以满足对胡杨林春尺蠖虫害进行快速监测的需求,而卫星遥感技术可以弥补传统方法的不足。本文以新疆巴楚县夏马勒林场为研究区,基于Landsat8、MODIS等卫星遥感数据开展胡杨林春尺蠖虫害监测方法研究。首先利用Landsat8卫星遥感数据开展研究区典型地物分类研究,获取研究区胡杨林空间分布信息,以此结果作为春尺蠖虫害监测分析的数据基础。再通过2014年到2017年MODIS数据重构了NDVI时间序列数据集,并采用滤波技术进一步拟合了NDVI时间序列曲线。分别从时间上和空间上分析了NDVI值在表征春尺蠖虫害状况时的敏感性,探究了春尺蠖虫害监测的方法。研究提取了2014年到2017年胡杨林虫害发生期的受灾区域,分析了气候环境因子对春尺蠖虫害时空分布格局的影响,为未来春尺蠖等虫害防治、胡杨林保护等工作提供数据支持。论文主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)研究了一种支持向量机与NDVI相结合的胡杨林空间分布信息高精度信息提取方法。通过对卫星遥感影像的光谱特征分析发现,胡杨林红光和近红外波段光谱反射率特征与农田存在差异,灌木林各个波段反射率值均低于胡杨林,灌木与胡杨混生林各波段反射率值介于灌木林和胡杨林之间。光谱指数的应用能有效区分各地表类型,经试验NDVI效果好于EVI和RVI,此外,同地区秋季NDVI影像有助于区分农田、胡杨和灌木。结合纹理特征能进一步提高分类精度,其中均值、相关性、对比度三个特征效果较好,滑动窗口大小为3时最佳。支持向量机分类的分类效果较最大似然分类法有突出优势,土地覆盖总分类精度达87.2%。分类结果显示,胡杨林总体上沿叶尔羌河岸两侧分布,面积约为166.78 Km2,胡杨灌木混生林面积约为273.08 Km2。(2)基于NDVI时序分析的春尺蠖虫害遥感监测方法研究。NDVI时间序列能够表征胡杨林的生长状态,从有林地和疏林地随机选取样本点构建的NDVI时间序列曲线中,最大值、最小值及生长趋势情况符合塔里木河流域胡杨林生长规律,且对外界环境影响(夏季降雨等)敏感。为了去除异常值等噪声点获取胡杨林理想NDVI时序曲线作参考,采用了非对称性高斯函数拟合法、双Logistic曲线拟合法和Savitzky-Golay滤波拟合法进行拟合,并比较了三种算法的拟合效果。滤波拟合算法能有效去除非影像质量影响的噪声点,三种拟合算法中,双Logistic函数拟合和非对称性高斯函数拟合使原始NDVI值过度拟合,S-G滤波在去除异常值的基础上能较好的保留原始NDVI曲线的细节信息,适用于本研究的NDVI时序分析。原始NDVI曲线较拟合后的结果,在虫害暴发期(3月到5月)有较明显且有规律的波动,对比飞防区与未飞防区样本点NDVI曲线,进一步验证了该波动与春尺蠖虫害相关。基于此,可通过突变点的监测捕获春尺蠖虫害信息。(3)夏马勒林场春尺蠖虫害遥感监测结果分析。林场2014年到2017年虫害发生期受灾区域分布结果显示,空间上,受灾区的分布较为聚集,但空间分布的聚集程度和受灾面积大小无明显规律,呈动态变化。时间上,2014年到2017年每年春尺蠖虫害爆发盛期不一致。统计数据显示,年际特征上,2015年虫害导致的突变像元总量最多,2017年突变像元总量最少。年内特征上,2014年到2016年间研究区胡杨林虫害盛期突变像元数量占比都围绕50%上下波动,而2017年占比下降到了15%,混生林与胡杨林受灾程度的年际和年内特征类似,但总体上混生林受灾面积更大,这与胡杨受灾后的二次展叶有关,水源是其主要影响因素。 (4)春尺蠖虫害影响因子分析。研究区春尺蠖虫害为多方面影响因子共同作用的结果,气温、降水和人为干预对春尺蠖发生均有影响,气温和降水主要影响春尺蠖的羽化出土时间、羽化数量以及新生虫卵的孵化进度和幼虫历期,气温通过影响土壤环境温度间接地影响春尺蠖的发育速率,春尺蠖的羽化时间、羽化数量和卵化时间与2-4月的气温呈正相关,寿命与气温呈负相关。降水通过土壤环境湿度和温度来影响春尺蠖冬蛹的存活和羽化时间,春尺蠖的发生与降水量呈负相关。人为干预则直接通过飞机喷洒药物方式减少虫害期春尺蠖虫口数量。
英文摘要Populus euphratica is the earliest type of the desert riparian forest in the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang. It has been limiting the Taklamakan Desert from expansion, protecting the habitat of people in the Tarim River Basin and creating living space for animals and plants in the harshest desert environment. In recent years, the damage of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff in Xinjiang province has seriously threatened the survival and green barrier function of natural Populus euphratica. Due to the large coverage and high tree body of Populus euphratica, traditional monitoring methods are difficult to meet the requirement of rapid monitoring of pest.In this thesis, Landsat OLI images were employed for land cover classification of the study area. Damage monitoring and analysis of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff were performed based on the Populus euphratica forest distribution from classification. NDVI time series data sets were reconstructed from MODIS data from 2014 to 2017, and the NDVI time series curves were further fitted by three filters. The sensitivities of NDVI values in the characterization of the pests damage were analyzed temporally and spatially. Damaged areas of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff were extracted from 2014 to 2017.Combining climatic and environmental factors, the study analyzed the spatial-temporal distribution patterns of damage areas and provided reference data for such work like pest limiting and Populus protection in the future. The thesis contents and conclusions were as follows:(1)Information extraction of Populus euphratica:The red and near- infrared bands spectral reflectance of Populus euphratica is different from those of cropland. The reflectance values of various wavelengths of shrub are lower than those of Populus euphratica, and the reflectance values of various wavelengths of mixed types of shrubs and Populus euphratica are intertwined with shrubs and Populus euphratica forests. Using spectral index can effectively distinguish various land cover types. NDVI performed better than EVI and RVI after experiments. In addition, the autumn images were helpful in discrimination of cropland, Populus euphratica and shrubs. The combination of texture information further improved the classification accuracy, in which three features of mean, correlation, and contrast were effective, and the result was best when the sliding window size is 3. Support vector machine classification outperformed the maximum likelihood classification, with a classification accuracy of 87.2%. The classification results show that the Populus euphratica forests are distributed along Tarim River riparian corridors, with an area about 166.78 Km2, and the mixed forest of Populus euphratica is about 273.08 Km2.(2)The method for detecting the damage of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff based on remote sensing images:The NDVI time series can be used to characterize the growth status of Populus euphratica forest because the maximum, minimum and growth trends of the curve from random sites are highly consistent with the vegetation growth characteristics in the Tarim River Basin. NDVI value is sensitive to external environmental factors, especially rainfall. The filter fitting algorithm can effectively remove the non-image-quality noise points. In the three fitting algorithms, the asymmetric Gaussian function fitting method and the dual Logistic fitting function method are excessively over-fitting to the original values. The S-G filter retains more detail information of the original NDVI curve on the basis of removing outliers, and is suitable for the NDVI time series analysis in this study. Compared with the fitted results, the original NDVI curve had obvious and regular fluctuations during the pests damage period from March to May, and comparisons between the NDVI curve of the fly defense areas and the undefended defense areas further validated the fluctuations were associated with the insects of the Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff. Damage can be detected by monitoring mutation points based on this.(3)Monitoring results of the damaged area: Pests damage distribution of Populus euphratica forest from 2014 to 2017 shows that disaster area is spatially clustered and change dynamically without obvious regularity. The time of damage occurred varying from 2014 to 2017. Total mutant pixels number is largest in 2015 and smallest in 2017. As for maximum mutant pixels of each year, the numbers of Poplar forest in the study area fluctuated around 50% , but in 2017, the proportion reduced to 15%. Populus Forest and mixed forest have similar characteristics in the inter-annual and intra-annual periods, but overall, the mixed forests suffer more from pests damage because of the second growth corresponding with water.(4)Pest impact factors analysis: Impact of the damage of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff in the study area is the result of the combined effects of various factors. Temperature, precipitation and human intervention all have an impact on the occurrence of Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff. The temperature and precipitation mainly affect the emergence time, the quality of feathering pests, and the hatching progress and larval duration of the Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff which is correlated positively with pests damage. The air temperature indirectly affects the growth rate of the pests by affecting the soil temperature which has negative influence. Human invention directly reduces the number of larvae of insects during the pest era by spraying drugs by airplanes.
中文关键词胡杨林 ; 春尺蠖灾害 ; Landsat8 ; MODIS NDVI ; 时间序列分析
英文关键词Populus Euphratica Apocheima Cinerarius Erschoff damage Landsat 8 MODIS NDVI Time series analysis
GB/T 7714
汪航. 胡杨林春尺蠖虫害遥感监测方法研究[D]. 中国科学院大学,2018.
