其他题名Research on the Dynamic Evaluation and Change of Ecosystem Service Value in Loess Plateau
导师赵晓丽 ; 左丽君 ; 张增祥
中文摘要生态系统服务价值是生态系统服务功能的价值量化方式,价值的高低反映了区域生态环境的优劣状况;同时由于生态系统服务功能与土地利用之间的互反馈作用,服务价值的变化也表明土地利用方式是否合理。研究生态系统服务价值与土地利用变化之间的交互作用,科学的利用土地资源,在发展社会经济的同时注重生态环境的保护,为实现可持续发展提供支撑。中国陆地生态系统服务价值当量表于2001年提出。该价值当量表是针对中国大陆的平均水平,将其应用于区域生态系统服务价值评价时,存在两个问题:(1)空间异质性——由于同一类型生态系统在不同地区的内部结构和外部形态差异明显,生态系统服务功能强弱不一,其服务价值也有所不同,导致价值当量表应用于不同区域时其准确度有待商榷;(2)时间演化差异——随着社会经济的发展和生态资源稀缺度的变化,人们对生态系统服务的支付意愿在不同时期也相应发生变化,导致用2001年的价值当量表去评估不同时期的生态系统服务价值时也存在误差。因此,本文基于中国陆地生态系统服务价值当量表,综合考虑生态系统服务功能的空间异质性和时间演化差异,对生态系统服务价值当量进行时间和空间尺度的修正,降低由于空间异质性、社会发展及资源稀缺度变化造成的价值当量变化,提高价值当量表应用于不同区域、不同时期时的精确度。空间异质修正,首先以粮食产量为依据,实现价值当量从全国到区域尺度的修正;然后以植被覆盖度和NPP为指标,实现价值当量从区域到栅格尺度的修正。时间演化修正,首先选取恩格尔系数、GDP及城镇化率进行社会发展系数修正;其次选取人口密度进行资源稀缺系数修正。以2005年粮食净利润作为不变价格,计算一个标准单位当量因子的价值量;由于价值当量表没有考虑聚落的生态系统服务价值,本文对聚落的服务价值单独进行计算,确定黄土高原生态系统服务功能单位面积价值当量表。在进行了价值当量修正及确定生态系统服务功能单位面积价值后,构建黄土高原生态系统服务价值动态评估模型,提高生态系统服务价值评估的精确度以及2000年、2005年及2010年三期生态系统服务价值的可比性。利用黄土高原生态系统服务价值动态评估模型开展生态系统服务价值时空动态评估,分析其演变特征。结果显示,黄土高原在2000年、2005年及2010年的生态系统服务总价值呈持续增加的态势,分别为6333.91亿万、7679.95亿元及9390.46亿元,整个时段增幅达48%。在黄土高原各项生态系统服务功能中,保持土壤价值居首位,并且近80%的保持土壤价值是由森林和草地生态系统提供, 约19%由农田提供,而湿地水体提供的保持土壤价值不到1%。因此,促进荒漠向草地、林地的转化,利用植被的固土能力减少荒漠的土壤流失是黄土高原水土流失治理的关键。2000-2005年,黄土高原森林生态系统和草地生态系统服务价值增量约占服务价值总增量的70%;2005-2010 年,黄土高原生态服务价值持续增加,其中约40%的服务价值增量由草地贡献,退耕还草生态工程效益明显。从空间上来看,黄土高原生态系统服务价值总体趋势东南高、西北低。生态系统服务价值最高的区域分布在河流水系区域;生态系统服务价值增速最快的是内蒙古自治区。黄土高原地区生态系统服务价值的增加,一方面得益于退耕还林还草、三北防护林等生态措施的实施,另一方面源于人们对生态环境保护的不断重视。2000-2005年期间,黄土高原土地利用变化总面积约11046.86 km2,约占黄土高原总面积的1.8%。其中,流失耕地主要转出为草地和林地,新增耕地主要由草地转入。林地净增加面积为2205.41 km2,主要来源为耕地和草地。未利用土地面积净增加1487.02 km2,其中沙地增加面积占69%,表明黄土高原土地沙漠化在此时段尚十分严重。2005-2010年期间,耕地持续减少,主要转变为城乡工矿居民用地、林地、草地。未利用土地面积净减少约790.29 km2,主要转化为草地和耕地,治理开垦未利用地,不仅改善黄土高原生态环境,也提高了耕地后备资源利用率。为了研究土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值的重要性,计算2000-2005、2005-2010年黄土高原各土地利用类型的生态系统服务价值变率。2000-2005年期间,生态系统服务价值变率最大的是城乡居民工矿用地,城乡工矿居民用地的面积变化8.9%,将会导致其生态系统服务价值102%的变化。其次是林地、草地,增加林地和草地的面积、改善林地和草地自身的质量,对于黄土高原的环境保护至关重要。2005-2010年期间,生态系统服务价值变率最大的是草地。草地的面积变化0.8%,导致其生态系统服务价值变化24.3%。一方面是由于草地的单位面积生态系统服务价值大幅提高,另一方面得益于人们环保意识的增强,使得草地生态系统自身质量得到改善。 通过构建环境经济协调度函数,分析黄土高原经济发展与生态环境的协调度。结果表明,黄土高原在2000-2010年期间的环境经济协调指数为0.1153,处于低度协调水平,表示生态系统服务价值的增速低于GDP的增速,经济发展没有对生态环境造成破坏,但是生态系统的稳定存在潜在危机。2005-2010年的环境经济协调度指数相对于2000-2005降低了11.3%,一方面是黄土高原前期造林多,后期造林速度减缓,使得生态系统服务价值增速变小,另一方面是随着西部大开发,社会经济发展速度加快。黄土高原7省中环境经济协调度最高的是宁夏。原因一方面是黄河由南至北横贯宁夏,宁夏北部水浇地分布较多,合理灌溉使得农田食物生产价值增加,加上草地质量的改善,使得宁夏生态系统服务价值增速较大;另一方面是宁夏地区经济发展相对于其余6省较缓,大幅增加的生态系统服务价值使得其环境经济协调指数相对较高。
英文摘要Ecosystem service value is the value quantification method of ecosystem service function. The level of value not only reflects the status of regional ecological environment, but also indicates whether the land use method is reasonable. Studying the feedback mechanism between ecosystem service value and land use change can find a balance point for economic development and ecological environment protection and realize sustainable development of regional economy.Chinese terrestrial ecosystem service value equivalent was proposed in 2001. The value equivalent table is for the average level in mainland China. The value equivalent is for the average level of the Chinese mainland. When it is applied to the evaluation of regional ecosystem service value, the ecosystem service value is different due to the obvious differences in the internal structure and external shape of the same type of ecosystem in different regions. On the other hand, due to changes in socio-economic development and people's willingness to pay for ecosystem services, it is not rigorous to use the 2001 value equivalent to measure ecosystem service values in different years. Therefore, based on the value equivalent, Considering that ecosystem services vary in different time and different space, ecosystem service evaluation model was improved in time and space scale in this paper to reduce the value-equivalent change due to social development, changes in resource scarcity and value equivalent changes of the same ecosystem located in different geographical locations. The spatial heterogeneity correction firstly uses the grain output as the basis to achieve the correction of the value equivalent from the national to the regional scale and then uses the vegetation coverage and NPP as indicators to achieve the correction of the value equivalent from the area to the grid scale. The social development coefficient was revised with Engel coefficient, GDP and urbanization rate. Resource scarcity coefficient was corrected by population density index. Calculate the value of a standard unit-equivalent factor by using net food profits in 2005 as a constant price. Because the value equivalent does not take into account the value of settlement ecosystem services, this paper separately calculates the value of the settlement's services. After the spatial heterogeneity correction, social development coefficient correction, resource scarcity coefficient revision and determination of the unit area value of ecosystem service functions, the Loess Plateau ecosystem service value dynamic evaluation model was established. Thus the accuracy of ecosystem services valuation could be improved. Increase the comparability of ecosystem service value in 2000, 2005 and 2010.Based on the Loess Plateau ecosystem service value dynamic evaluation model, we can analyze the ecosystem service value change characteristics in time and space scale. The total value of loess plateau was 633.391 billion, 767.995 billion and 939.046 billion in 2000, 2005 and 2010. The total value increased 48% from 2000 to 2010. The value of soil conservation which is provided nearly 80% by forest and grassland is the highest of all the ecosystem services value. Therefore, to promote the conversion of desert to grassland and forest land, and to use the soil-solidification capacity of vegetation to reduce desert soil loss is the key to the control of soil erosion in the Loess Plateau is to promote the conversion of desert to grassland and forest land, and to use the soil-solidification capacity of vegetation to reduce desert soil loss. From 2000 to 2005, the increase of forest ecosystem service value and grassland ecosystem service value in Loess Plateau accounted for about 70% of the total increase in service value. From 2005 to 2010, the ecological service value of Loess Plateau continued to increase, with an increase of approximately 40% in service value contributed by grassland, and the benefits of returning farmland to grassland ecological projects were significant. If we analyze the ecosystem service value in space scale, we can find that the overall trend of ecosystem service value in Loess Plateau is high in the southeast and low in the northwest. The areas with the highest value of ecosystem services were distributed in river water systems; the fastest growing value of ecosystem services was the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. There were two reasons for the increase of ecosystem service value, one is the contribution of ecological protection measures, such as returning farmland to forest and grassland, sanbei shelter forest. The other is human pay more attention to ecological environment.During the period 2000-2005, the total land use change in the Loess Plateau was approximately 11046.86 km2, accounting for approximately 1.8% of the total area of the Loess Plateau. The arable land is mainly converted to grassland and forest land .and grassland is the main source of new arable land. The net increase in forest land is 2205.41 km2 which was mainly converted by cultivated land and grassland. The net increase in unused land area was 1,487.02 km2, of which the increase in sand area accounted for 69%, indicating that the desertification of the Loess Plateau is still very serious. During the period from 2005 to 2010, the arable land continued to decrease, which mainly changed into urban and rural industrial and mining residents' land, forest land and grassland. The net reduction in unused land area is about 790.29 km2 and mainly converted to grassland and arable land. Managing uncultivated land does not only improve the ecological environment of the Loess Plateau, but also improves the utilization of cultivated land reserve resources.In order to study the importance of land use change to the ecosystem service value, the ecosystem service value change rate of all land use types in the Loess Plateau in 2005 and 2010 was calculated. 2000-2005, the greatest ecosystem service value change rate was urban and rural industrial and residents land. The 8.9% change in the area of urban and rural industrial and residents land will lead to a 102% change in its ecosystem service value. Next was woodland and grassland. Increasing the area of forest lands and grasslands and improving the quality of forest lands and grasslands is of crucial importance to the environmental protection of the Loess Plateau.2005-2010, the greatest ecosystem service value change rate was grassland. The 0.8% change in the area of grassland will lead to a 24.3% change in its ecosystem service value.The environmental economic coordination function was established to analyze the degree of coordination between economic development and ecological environment in the Loess Plateau. The environmental and economic coordination index of the Loess Plateau during the period from 2000 to 2010 was 0.1153, which was at a low level of coordination. It shows that the total ecosystem service value of the Loess Plateau increases with the GDP growth, but the growth rate of the ecosystem service value is lower than the GDP growth rate. The economic development has not caused damage to the ecological environment, but there is a potential crisis in the stability of the ecosystem. Environmental-economy coordination index for 2005-2010 was reduced by 11.3% compared with 2000-2005. On the one hand, the afforestation speed of the Loess Plateau in the early period was faster than that of the later period, which made the growth rate of the ecosystem service value smaller. On the other hand, with the development of the western region, the socio-economic development speeded up. Among the 7 provinces, the higest environmental economic coordination is in ningxia. On the one hand, the Yellow River runs through Ningxia from south to north, and the area of irrigated land in the north of Ningxia is larger. Reasonable irrigation in farmland and the improvement of grassland quality made ecosystem services increased. On the other hand, the economic development of the Ningxia region is slower than the other 6 provinces, and the greatly increased ecosystem service value made its environmental and economic coordination index relatively high.
中文关键词土地利用变化 ; 价值当量修正 ; 生态系统服务价值动态评估模型 ; 时空演变分析 ; 黄土高原.
英文关键词land use change value equivalent correction dynamic evaluation of ecosystem service value spatial-temporal change analysis Loess Plateau
GB/T 7714
张瑜. 黄土高原生态系统服务价值动态评估及其变化研究[D]. 中国科学院大学,2018.
