近40年祁连山保护区生态系统变化与服务价值的遥感 监测与评估
其他题名The monitoring and evaluation of ecosystem and service value change of Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve in recent 40 years
中文摘要祁连山国家级自然保护区是我国重要的生态屏障、水源涵养生态功能区和生物多样性保护区,其生态环境的状况直接影响到下游内陆河流域绿洲区的生态安全和社会经济发展。近年来,随着全球气候变暖和不合理的人类活动加剧,该区出现了诸如冰川和冻土消退、水源涵养力下降、草地退化和生物多样性丧失等一系列的生态环境问题。基于遥感技术的宏观生态环境变化监测,是开展区域生态系统变化研究的有效手段,但目前保护区仍然缺乏关于生态系统变化的长期遥感监测数据,特别是宏观生态系统格局、生态系统质量和生态系统服务变化的研究。因此,本研究利用遥感和地理信息技术手段,结合土地变化、景观生态学和生态系统服务等学科内涵,对祁连山保护区近40a来的生态系统格局变化,以及2000年以来的生态系统质量和生态系统服务时空变化进行动态监测和评价,并利用气象数据和社会经济数据对生态系统变化的驱动因素进行分析,最后基于前人研究结果的梳理,对保护区未来可能的生态系统变化方向进行了预测,得出以下主要结论:(1)从生态系统结构来说,祁连山保护区主要由稀疏草地、裸地和灌丛构成,且在近40a里保持稳定。重要的生态系统类型如森林、灌丛等主要分布在实验区,外围区主要由稀疏草地和裸地构成,核心区主要由裸地和冰川/永久积雪构成。过去40a中,保护区的冰川/永久积雪发生了明显的退缩,共减少了59.54 km2、其次为草原和灌丛,分别减少了20.98 km2和18.80 km2,而旱地、建设用地和采矿场处于扩张态势,分别增加了32.57 km2、4.89 km2和8.79 km2。保护区的整体景观格局变化特点为破碎化和异质性增强,而连接度下降,其中受人类活动干扰较为明显的旱地、建设用地和采矿场的景观格局变化表现出扩张和融合的态势。从不同功能区来说,生态系统格局变化主要分布在实验区和外围区,核心区和缓冲区更加稳定。由于冰川/永久积雪面积的大量退缩,以及局部地区的人为破坏,导致保护区总体生态状况在近期趋于恶化,尤其是受人类影响更大的实验区和外围区,其生态状况的稳定性较差。(2)研究区的生态质量近16a来呈现出植被好转、实际蒸散发增大,潜在蒸散发降低和土壤湿度轻微增大的趋势,其中实验区和外围区是生态质量变化的热点区域。稀疏草地的植被状况改善最为显著,其实际蒸散发量也有相同趋势。祁连山保护区植被指数和实际蒸散发的空间分布均呈东高西低的特点,其中实验区的植被指数和实际蒸散发量最大,而核心区和外围区较小。保护区的潜在蒸散发的空间分布呈北高南低的特征,且实验区和外围区的潜在蒸散发量较高,核心区和缓冲区较低。与潜在蒸散发相反,保护区的土壤湿度由北向南逐渐增大,其中核心区的土壤湿度最大,外围区的土壤湿度最小。2000-2015年间,祁连山保护区的植被指数、实际蒸散发和土壤湿度均处于上升态势,其中植被指数的上升趋势更为显著,且外围区和稀疏草地的植被状况的改善趋势最为显著;实际蒸散发增长相对缓慢,且实验区的增速最快,外围区的增速最小;土壤湿度的变化趋势最不明显,仅呈轻微增大的态势,在不同功能区中,实验区和外围区的增湿速率更快,而在不同生态系统类型中,草甸的增湿速率较快。潜在蒸散发则呈缓慢减小的趋势,在不同功能区中,实验区的下降速率最快,核心区最慢,而在不同生态类型中,草甸和旱地的潜在蒸散发下降较快。(3)祁连山保护区的多年平均生态系统服务总价值为180.14亿元,且处于上升态势,其中水土保持和水源涵养服务平均价值最高,分别为45.95亿元和42.67亿元,其次为生产有机物质、调节气候和调节空气质量服务平均价值,分别为38.09亿元、31.32亿元和27.63亿元,养分循环服务平均价值最低,仅为1.09亿元。在不同功能区中,实验区的各项生态系统服务总价值和多项生态系统服务单位面积价值均为最高,核心区提供的水土保持服务和水源涵养服务单位面积价值最高,且生态系统服务总价值在实验区和外围区的增长更加明显。在不同生态系统类型中,灌丛的各项生态系统服务总价值均为最高,而旱地的各项生态系统服务的单位面积价值均为最高,林地的水土保持服务单位价值较高,灌丛和草甸的水源涵养单位面积服务价值较高。基于生态系统服务价值的功能分区结果显示,祁连山保护区东部地区能够提供多种生态服务功能,而中部高海拔地区则以水源涵养功能为主,西部地区则主要提供水土保持服务。(4)祁连山保护区生态变化主要由政策制度、社会经济发展和气候变化共同决定,其中政策制度主要指保护区的设立、法律法规的完善和生态工程的实施,这是维持保护区生态系统结构稳定的决定性因素;社会经济的发展则是保护区生态变化的背景因素,人口和牲畜量的增长会对保护区草地等生态类型造成压力,而产业转移带来的农民收入和GDP的提高有利于生态保护;保护区的气温和降水在过去55a中处于增长态势,其中气温的增长趋势更明显,这也是研究区内冰川/永久积雪发生萎缩的直接原因,而降水的增长则与外围区的植被状况改善有着显著的正相关关系。根据前人的相关研究可知,在植被持续改善和降水量持续增加的前提下,祁连山保护区未来的生态系统服务价值将处于稳中有升的态势,但同时也会出现冰川面积持续萎缩,从而影响到固体水源涵养的功能的负面效应。
英文摘要The Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve (QMNR) is an important ecological barrier, water conservation and biodiversity conservation area in China. Its ecological environment status directly affects the ecological security and socio-economic development of the oasis area in the downstream inland river basin. In recent years, with global warming and irrational human activities, there have been a series of ecological and environmental problems in this region, such as the retreat of glaciers and permafrost, declining of water conservation, grassland degradation, and loss of biodiversity. The monitoring of macroscopic ecological environment changes based on remote sensing technology is an effective means to carry out the research of regional ecosystem change, but there is still a lack of long-term remote sensing monitoring on ecosystem changes, especially macroscopic ecosystem pattern, ecosystem quality and ecosystem service changes. In this study, the ecosystem pattern in nearly forty years, as well as ecosystem quality and ecosystem service after 2000 in the protected area were monitored and analyzed by using 3S technology, land change science, the method of landscape ecology and ecosystem services. In addition, the meteorological data and socio-economic data were also used to analyze the driving forces of ecological environment changes. Finally, the possible future changes of the ecosystem in protected area were predicted based on the results of previous research, and the main conclusions drawn are as follows:(1) The QMNR is mainly composed of sparse grassland, bare land, and shrub land, and the structure of ecosystem has remained stable for nearly 40 years. Forests and shrub land were mainly distributed in the experimental area, and the peripheral area was mainly composed of sparse grassland and bare land, the core area was mainly composed of bare land and glaciers/permanent snow. In the past 40 years, the area of glaciers/permanent snow has significantly shrunk, with a total reduction of 59.54 km2, followed by grassland and shrub land, which have decreased by 20.98 km2 and 18.80 km2 respectively, but the cultivated land, construction land and mining field have increased by 32.57 km2, 4.89 km2, and 8.79 km2, respectively. The fragmentation and heterogeneity of the landscape pattern in protected areas have increased, and the degree of connectivity has declined, while the landscape pattern of cultivated land, construction land and mining field have shown a tendency of expansion and integration. Due to the large retreat of glacier/permanent snow and the man-made destruction in some areas, the overall ecological condition of the reserve tends to deteriorate after 2000, especially in the experimental and peripheral area.(2) In the latest 16 years, NDVI and the actual evapotranspiration (ET) increased, while the potential evapotranspiration (PET) decreased, and the soil moisture (TVDI) remains stable. NDVI and ET of the sparse grassland showed an increasing trend, and the increasing trend of NDVI was more significant. The distribution of NDVI and ET in the study area was characterized by high in the east and low in the west, and both the two indicators were higher in the experimental area, while lower in the core and peripheral area. PET were lower in the north and higher in the south, and it was both higher in the experimental area and peripheral area, and lower in the core area and buffer area. TVDI gradually increased from north to south, the core area and the peripheral area had the highest and the lowest value of soil moisture. NDVI, ET and TVDI in the study area was increasing in 2000-2015, and the increase trend of NDVI was more significant, especially in the peripheral area and sparse grassland. ET had the fastest increase rate in the experimental area, and the slowest increase rate in the peripheral area, while the soil moisture only slightly increased in the study area. PET showed a slowly decreasing trend, with the fastest rate of decline in the experimental area, the slowest in the core area, and the rapid decline of the meadow and cultivated land in the study area.(3) The average ecosystem service value of the study area was 18.01 billion yuan, and was increasing in the past 16 years. The average service value of soil conservation and water conservation services was the highest, at 4.60 billion yuan and 4.27 billion yuan respectively, followed by the organic matter production, climate regulation and air quality, with a total of 3.81 billion yuan, 3.13 billion yuan, and 2.76 billion yuan respectively, and the average service value of nutrient recycling was the lowest, at only 109 million yuan.The total ecosystem service value and the unit area value of the most ecosystem service were the highest in the experimental area, the unit area value of soil conservation and water conservation was higher in core area, and the total ecosystem service value had the larger increasing in the experimental area and periphery area. The total ecosystem service value of shrub land was the highest, and the unit area value of the most ecosystem services of cultivated land were the highest, the unit area value of soil conservation of the forest was higher, and the unit area value of water conservation of shrub land and meadow were higher.The result of the functional zoning of ecosystem services showed that the eastern part of the QMNR can provide a variety of ecological servics, while the high altitude region of the central region focuses on water conservation, and the western region mainly provides soil conservation services. (4) The ecological changes in the study area are mainly determined by the policy system, socio-economic development and climate change. The policy system, which is a decisive factor in the maintaining of the stability of the ecosystem structure in QMNR, mainly refers to the establishment of Qilian Moutain Nature Reserve, the improvement of laws and regulations, and the implementation of ecological projects. The socio-economic development is the background factor of the ecological change: the increase of population and livestock continuously exerted pressure on the ecological environment of the protected area, while the increase of the farmers' income and GDP brought by the industrial transfer would be beneficial to ecological protection. The temperature and precipitation have been increasing during the past 55 years, and the rising temperature was the direct cause of the shrinkage of glaciers/permanent snow, while the increase in precipitation had a significant positive correlation with the improvement of vegetation in the peripheral area. According to previous research, under the premise of continuous improvement of vegetation and increase of precipitation, the future ecosystem service value of the study area will increase steadily, but at the same time, the area of glaciers will continue to shrink, which have negative effects on the solid water conservation of the QMNR.
中文关键词祁连山保护区 ; 生态系统格局 ; 生态系统质量 ; 生态系统服务 ; 3S技术
英文关键词Qilian Moutain Nature Reserve ecosystem pattern ecosystem quality ecosystem service 3S technology
GB/T 7714
钱大文. 近40年祁连山保护区生态系统变化与服务价值的遥感 监测与评估[D]. 中国科学院大学,2018.
