其他题名Ancient plant use and palaeoenvironmental analyses of desiccated plant remains from the Gumugou Cemetery and the Xiaohe Cemetery in the early Bronze Age of Lop Nor, Xinjiang, northwest China
导师蒋洪恩 ; 尚雪
中文摘要摘要 新疆罗布泊地区最为引人注目的史前文明,是距今4000年左右的小河文化。小河文化以古墓沟墓地和小河墓地最为典型。由于极其干旱的气候条件及较好的埋藏条件,这两处墓地发现一大批保存状况良好的考古材料,引起国内外学术界的广泛关注,其中小河墓地被评为2004年中国十大考古新发现。古墓沟墓地发掘已经30多年,但发表的多为经典考古资料,对植物遗存的研究重视不够,只是对其中极少部分植物遗存进行了简单的描述,缺乏科学系统的分析。小河墓地更加丰富的遗存种类受到不同学科学者的青睐,因此研究取得了一系列成果,但相关研究大多集中于古DNA、栽培作物、食谱结构、残留物、微体植物遗存等方面,而对小河墓地发现的非栽培作物,即其他大量的大植物遗存则很少关注,目前尚未有相关研究成果报道。有鉴于此,本文综合应用大植物遗存研究方法和微体植物遗存研究方法,如木材解剖和表皮细胞分析,对两处墓地出土的种子、果实、木材、茎杆、花序等大植物遗存进行系统的分析和研究,不仅判定各类植物遗存的种属,还深入探讨这些植物遗存所富含的与古人类活动以及自然环境变迁有关的各种信息。 研究表明,古墓沟遗址出土植物遗存种类包括小麦(Triticum aestivum),麻黄(Ephedra sp.),香蒲(Typha sp.),芦苇(Phragmites australis),胡杨(Populus euphratica)等五种植物。其中小麦颖果的碳十四测年结果,为距今3800年左右。小麦不仅是古墓沟人群一种珍贵的植物性食物,还是一种重要的随葬品。综合多种原因,推测小麦可能不是在当地栽培的,而是随着古墓沟人群的东向迁徙而被引入罗布泊地区。麻黄因其所独有的药用功能而被古墓沟先民青睐,随葬于大部分墓葬中。香蒲、芦苇等纤维植物,具有柔韧的纤维,常用来制作短绳,以加固墓葬。胡杨因其高大直立的树干,成为墓地中船棺、棺前立柱、立木、大型木雕、大量木楔子(短圆形木柱)的主要制作原料。 小河墓地发现的植物种类,包括胡杨(Populus euphratica)、柽柳(Tamarix sp.)、李属(Prunus sp.)、麻黄(Ephedra sp.)、花花柴(Karelinia sp.)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、白麻(Poacynum pictum)、骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)、胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)、苦苣菜属(Sonchus sp.)、黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)、戟叶鹅绒藤(Cynanchum sibiricum)等共12种,分属9科12属。小河先民对胡杨、麻黄、芦苇的利用与古墓沟人群的利用方式相似。柽柳多用来制作羽饰(木质部分)、木棍、箭杆,李属植物木材则专门用来雕刻成为有纹饰的刻花箭杆、木别针等。花花柴、白麻、骆驼刺、胀果甘草、黑果枸杞、戟叶鹅绒藤、苦苣菜等其他几种植物,与芦苇、麻黄一起组成棺前放置的草束。 小河墓地的植物种类远远多于古墓沟墓地,反映小河先民对当地植物的认识与利用水平提高。另外,通过两处出土大植物遗存的种类、组合、生境等,推测小河文化繁荣于罗布泊地区的绿洲中。绿洲是小河文明产生和繁荣的环境背景。然而在罗布泊地区全新世持续干旱的背景下,由于小河人群对当地胡杨、柽柳等绿洲植物建群种的大规模开发,可能导致植被退化,绿洲沙化,小河文明逐渐衰落。 关键词:古墓沟墓地、小河墓地、大植物遗存、植物利用、古植被、古环境
英文摘要Abstract The Xiaohe Culture (4000 BP) is the most attractive civilizations in the prehistory of Lop Nor in Xinjiang. The Gumugou Cemetery and Xiaohe Cemetery are the two typical archaeological sites of the Xiaohe Culture. Due to extremely dry climate and favorably burial conditions, a large amount of well-preserved remains were unearthed in these two sites. As to the Gumugou Cemetery, although the materials were recovered almost 30 years ago, there have been very few references made to this ancient plant assemblage. The plant remains were briefly mentioned in the literature, but no systematic archaeobotanical research has been published so far. The Xiaohe Cemetery was one of the top ten greatest archaeological discoveries of China in 2004, and the well-preserved remains attract more attention of the scholars in different disciplines. The results of these archaeometrical researches mainly consist of ancient DNA, cereals, dietary structure, residues, and micro-plant remains and so on. Except for the cereals, there was no scientific identification and systematic research of the other macro-plant remains. In view of this situation, we apply both research methods of macro-plants and micro-plants, including morphological classification, wood anatomy and epidermal cells, to identify the macro-plant remains discovered in the Gumugou Cemetery and the Xiaohe Cemetery, such as seeds, fibers, stems, inflorescences and wood. Apart from the identification, we also further explore the abundant information about the interaction between human and plant. Morphological and anatomical studies suggest that the plant remains recovered in the Gumugou Cemetery consist of Triticum aestivum, Phragmites australis, Populus euphratica, Ephedra sp., as well as Typha sp. The AMS dating result of the caryopsis of wheat was nearly 3800 BP. As to Gumugou inhabitants, wheat is not a valuable supplement of food in their daily lives, but also an important burial objects. Wheat was possibly not cultivated in the local areas, but was introduced and brought by the Gumugou people when they migrated from South Siberia eastward to Lop Nor in Xinjiang. Ephedra was an important wild plant for its medical function and was buried in each coffin in the cemetery. P. australis and Typha sp. had flexible fibers and were used to rope making to reinforce the coffins. Wood of P. euphratica were suitable materials to construct boat-shaped coffins, wooden pillars, oar-shaped columns, sculptures and abundant wooden posts. The plant remains unearthed in the Xiaohe Cemetery consists of totally 12 species belonging to 12 genus of 9 family, including Populus euphratica, Tamarix sp., Prunus sp., Ephedra sp., Karelinia sp., Phragmites australis, Poacynum pictum, Alhagi sparsifolia, Glycyrrhiza inflata, Lycium ruthenicum, Sonchus sp., Cynanchum sibiricum. Among these plant remains, the uses of P. euphratica, P. australis and Ephedra sp. were similar to Gumugou. In addition, wood of Tamarix sp. were commonly used to arrow shafts and featherings making, while wood of Prunus sp. were specially carved for arrow shafts and wooden pins producing. Other wild plants were combined and composed brunches of grass which were laid in the front of the coffins. The species of plant remains in the Xiaohe Cemetery were much more than the Gumugou Cemetery and it may imply that the levels of recognition and utilization of Xiaohe inhabitants were increasingly promoted. Based on the species, combination and habits of the plant remains excavated from these two cemeteries, it can be possibly discussed that the Xiaohe civilization flourished in the oases of the Lop Nor. The oases were the environmental background of this civilization rising. However, followed by the development of the Xiaohe Culture, constructive plant species like P. euphratica and Tamarix sp. were excessively explored, and it leaded to the oases gradually diminish and the Xiaohe civilization decline. Key words: the Gumugou Cemetery, the Xiaohe Cemetery, macro-plant remains, plant uses, paleovegetation, paleoenvironment
中文关键词关键词:古墓沟墓地 ; 小河墓地 ; 大植物遗存 ; 植物利用 ; 古植被 ; 古环境
英文关键词Key words: the Gumugou Cemetery the Xiaohe Cemetery macro-plant remains plant uses paleovegetation paleoenvironment
GB/T 7714
张贵林. 新疆罗布泊地区青铜时代植物遗存研究——以古墓沟墓地和小河墓地为例[D]. 中国科学院大学,2015.
