其他题名Research on Wetland Ecosystem Functions and Services Valuation of Juyan Lake
中文摘要湿地和森林、草原、荒漠、海洋一样,是地球生态环境的一个重要的组成部分。它不仅为人类的生产、生活提供了多种宝贵资源,而且具有巨大的环境功能和效益。居延海湿地是我国西部第二大内陆河黑河的尾闾湖,属干旱区湿地。近来年由于黑河流域水土资源不合理利用,引起下游居延海湿地环境恶化,导致湿地生态系统服务功能效益的丧失问题。本文以居延海湿地为研究对象,首次对其生态系统服务功能及其价值进行评估。以期为我国干旱区湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估提供有益借鉴,促进保护生态系统结构与功能完整的各项措施和政策的顺利实施,确保对湿地生态系统的保护,实现干旱区内陆河流域的生态可持续发展。\n 本文在系统总结和分析国内外湿地系统服务功能研究现状的基础上,对湿地服务功能评估研究的理论方法进行了阐述,研究重点以黑河流域终端湖东居延海湿地生态系统服务功能机制分析、评价指标体系的构建、湿地生态系统服务功能物质量、价值量评价及总价值的评价。评价基准年选择2007年。主要结果如下:\n 居延海生态系统提供的服务功能包括:(1)资源功能:主要包括渔业,芦苇,水草;(2)调节功能:大气调节、净化水体;(3)支持功能:防风固沙、生物多样性维持等;(4)人文功能:旅游、科研价值、民族团结及国防安全等。\n 结果表明居延海湿地区主要生态系统具有巨大的生态系统服务价值, 2007 年提供的服务价值为11523.33万元,平均29852元/hm2。其中,防风固沙的生态服务价值最高,占总的生态服务价值的27.3%,为3149.76万元。其次是净化水体的价值为2240.7万元,占整个生态服务总价值的19.5%;再次是气候调节价值为2007.55万,占生态服务总价值的17.4%。居延海湿地其它生态系统服务功能价值分别是:生物多样性维持价值是1152.28万,科研文化价值是1504.3万,旅游价值是1339.5万,物质生产价值只有130万。\n 居延海湿地生态服务间接价值远远大于直接价值,由经济上直接体现的直接价值只有物质生产价值,这类价值在本评估中仅占小部分,占总价值的1.1%。间接价值占到总价值的98.9%。另外,居延海湿地具有的稳定民族团结和国防安全功能,由于评估方法和数据的局限性,未进行估算,这在一定程度上降低了居延海湿地的生态服务价值总量。
英文摘要Wetlands are amongst the richest life-supporting ecosystems on Earth, They are cradles of biological diversity, providing the water and primary productivity upon which countless species of plants and animals depend for survival. The interactions of physical, biological and chemical components of a wetland enable the wetland to perform many vital functions and provide tremendous economic benefits. However, they are amongst the most threatened and destroyed. \n The Juyan Lake is located 40 km northwest side of Ejina County in Inner Mongolia, The important geographical location and its vast surface of the water, deeply affecting the NT in China's social economic sustainable development .With development of socio-economic and population growth, continuous increase in water utilization in the oases located in the middle reaches of the Heihe, river courses have been shortened, and Juyan lake dried up. This not only influences directly the quantity and quality of water resources, but also destroys the original ecological balance, and Result in wetland ecosystem services benefits loss.\n On the basis of systematic analyses and summarization of previous and present researches on ecosystem services and their valuation, the author represented the foundational theories and methods of services valuation and pointed out a series of difficulties needed to be resolved in this paper. \n The study process of each ecosystem type consists of four steps including mechanism analyses, indices system establishing, material assessment, monetary assessment and total valuation assessment. The market value approach, reforestation cost approach. Shadow project method, and contingent valuation method are used to assess the value of wetland ecosystem services. It needs mentioned that in this research the base year for all types of assessment is 2007.The main results show as follows:\n Ecosystem services functions of Juyan Lake were including four groups: (1) Resources producing functions: including fishing, reeds, and water plants; (2) Regulating functions: including air conditioning and water purification; (3) support functions: including wind-fixing and the maintenance of biological diversity; (4) cultural function: including tourism, scientific research value and national defense security.\n The Juyan lake wetland ecosystems have great value of ecosystem services, the total ecological service values (ESV) was about 11523.33 ×104 Yuan in 2007, an average of 29,852 Yuan / hm2. Among them, the sand fixation value occupied the highest proportion of the total value of ecological services, about 27.3%, to 3149.7×104 Yuan. Second, the value of water purification accounted for a total value of the ecological services of 19.5%, 2240.7×104 Yuan. Third was the value of climate regulation about 2007.5×104Yuan, representing a total value of ecological services of 17.4%. Other values of ecosystem services in Juyan Lake were: the maintenance of biological diversity was the value of 1152.28×104 Yuan. Cultural value was 1504.3×104 Yuan, tourism value was 1339.5×104 Yuan; as well, the material production value occupied the smallest proportion, only130 ×104 Yuan.\n The indirect value of ecosystem services of Juyan Lake was far greater than the direct value, the directly value reflects only the direct material production value, such value in the assessment of only a small part of the total value of 1.1%. Indirect value of the total value accounted for 98.9%. In addition, with the assessment methodology and data limitations, some of the wetland Service Function and Value such as the stability of national unity and national security functions were not estimated in Juyan Lake. To some extent, it has reduced the Juyan Wetland total value of ecosystem services valuation.
中文关键词居延海 ; 湿地生态系统 ; 服务 ; 功能 ; 机制分析 ; 价值评价
英文关键词Juyan Lake Wetland Ecosystem Service Function Mechanism analysis Value Assessment.
GB/T 7714
任娟. 居延海湿地生态系统服务功能及其价值评价研究[D]. 中国科学院大学,2009.
