其他题名Assessment on the Suitability of Lucerne Cultivars and Their Response to Fertilization, Irrigation and Cutting
中文摘要紫花苜蓿是西部植被生态建设和退耕还草的重要草种,但部分从国外进口或其它地区引进的品种不适应西部地区干旱的气候条件,因此品种适应性评价显得十分迫切,也是引种的先决条件。施肥是人工草地管理的一个重要环节,但对新型肥料一硅对紫花首楷生长的影响尚未见到报道。刈割是人工草地利用的重要方式之一,其对紫花苜蓿地上部分特性的影响报道很多,但对根系影响的研究还不够系统。紫花苜蓿种子生产的区域性较强,关于密度、行距、灌溉、施肥等单因子对种子产量的影响已有广泛研究,而水肥藕合效应的研究还有待于深入。本研究对紫花首稽在干早条件下的适应性,硅对紫花首稽生长的影响,灌溉次数和磷肥对其种子生产的影响,刈割次数对紫花首楷生长发育的影响进行了重点研究,得到如下几点主要结论:紫花苜蓿品种在干早区的适应性。9个紫花苜蓿品种(来自4个种质资源)根系的发育特征为,品种间侧根总数、主根长度、根系体积、根系生物量和根系占有的地下资源空间均存在显著差异。紫花苜蓿侧根发生的主要部位在距地表10~20cm的主根段,50cm以下没有侧根发生。侧根总数Longdong最低,Sandin和Ameristand201最大。根系体积和生物量Ameristand 201最大,Longdong最低,在土壤内的垂直分布为,除Amer 1 graze401,Ameristand201,sandili在土壤20-30cm层的根系体积和生物量大于10~20cm层的根系体积和生物量外,其余品种表现为从土壤表层到深层逐次递减。品种占有的地下资源空间AmeristondZol和sandili较大,Longdong最小。品种间根系发育过程表现为3种类型,Ameristand201,sandili,Amerigraze401在整个生育期内的生长速率较快,且速率保持一致。Longdong,Derby,sitel在整个生育期内生长速率较慢,但在盛花期(7月中旬)后,生长速率急剧增加。Algonqiun,Goldeempress,Defi价于前两者之凤紫花苜蓿品种间地上生物量、株高、叶片内积累的脯氨酸量、茎叶比、根颈分枝数和密度的差异较大。Alnei Stand 201和Algonquin的地上生物量显著大于其它7个品种。Ameristand201和Sandili的株高显著大于其它7个品种,并且品种间最大生长速率出现的时间也不一致,Defi,Sitel,Longdong和Derby的最大生长速率介于分枝末期和现蕾初期;Aeristand201和Sandili的最大生长速率出现在现蕾期;Algonquin,AmerigraZe401和GoldenemPress的最大生长速率出现在开花期,但未到盛花期。茎叶比在紫花苜蓿的生育期内表现为先下降后增加,并且品种间均存在显著差异。品种间密度差别很大,Longdong的密度显著小于其它品种,同时品种间密度随生长年限的下降幅度也存在差异,Sandili的密度下降最小,平均每年减少率不到5株/m2,Ameristand 201,Sitel,Longdong的减少率为10株/m2,Algongquin和G01dene叩reSS的减少率达20株/m2,其余品种为10-20株/m2。品种间根颈的分枝数差异较大,并随着生长年限的延长而发生变化,Goldenemtress、Defi、Longdong和Ameristond 201在3个生长季内,根颈分枝数基本一致,而其它品种在第二和第三生长季的根颈分枝数显著大于建植年的根颈分枝数。Ame 1 stand 201叶片中积累的脯氨酸量在同一时期高于其它8个品种。选择了5个地上形态指标、4个根系形态指标和1个生理指标,对来自4个种质资源的g个紫花苜蓿品种在黄土高原的适应性进行了评价。评价结果表明,采用地上指标和地下指标评价的结果与地上和地下指标分别评价的结果并不一致。因此,建议采取地上和地下指标相结合的方法评价紫花苜蓿品种在干旱半干旱区的适应性最好。施硅对紫花苜蓿的生物学特性具有显著影响。结果表明,施用适量的硅素可增加紫花苜蓿的叶面积,并使叶夹角显著减小,叶夹角的空间分布为植株上部叶夹角大于中部叶夹角,而中部叶夹角又大于下部叶夹角。这说明施用硅素能够提高紫花苜蓿的光合能力和抗倒伏性。施硅使紫花苜蓿分枝数在结实期显著增加,而在营养生长期没有显著影响。在各个生育期内,施硅均能使紫花苜蓿的自然株高和绝对株高较对照显著增加。同时施硅能够显著增加花序、茎秆和叶的生物量,总生物量较对照能提高20-60%,但对每一部分的促进作用存在差别。适量施硅能增加紫花苜蓿的根系体积和生物量,其中根系生物量增加35%以上。施硅能够促进主根的生长和增加侧根总数,从而增加了根系体积和生物量,另一方面加强了根系的吸收和输导能力,较对照能够快速的将地下根毛吸收的水分和营养物质输送到植物地上部分。刈割次数对紫花苜蓿地上部分、根系和土壤含水量有显著的影响。试验结果表明,刈割抑制紫花首楷主根的纵向(垂直)生长,而促进横向(直径)生长,并使紫花首稽侧根发生总数减少和垂直分布的总体格局向表层集中,随着刈割次数的增加,侧根分布在土壤表层的比例也增加;刈割使根系生物量和体积总量减少,并随着刈割次数的增加,这种减少趋势更加明显,同时在土壤中的垂直分布变浅。刈割能够促进紫花首楷分枝数发生。适时刈割能够增加紫花苜蓿的产草量,刈割3次使产草量增加30%以上;刈割2次和1次使产草量增加15-20%。刈割使土壤含水量的格局发生改变,不刈割时土壤含水量自地表向下表现为先增加后下降的垂直分布格局,而刈割处理后,土壤含水量表现为自地表向下依次递增的变化趋势。总体上刈割处理的土壤含水量大于对照处理,但不同刈割次数对土壤含水量的影响较为复杂。在土壤0-20cm层,随着刈割次数的增加,土壤含水量表现为先增加后下降的变化趋势;20~40cm层,土壤含水量却随着刈割次数开始略有下降,随后急剧增加:40-60cm层,土壤含水量随着刈割次数逐渐增加。灌溉和施肥对紫花苜蓿的生殖枝数、种子产量、构成要素和空间分布均具有显著的影响。磷肥对紫花苜蓿生殖枝数的发生没有显著影响,但灌溉对紫花苜蓿生殖枝数的发生具有显著影响,表现为蕾期灌溉>蕾期和花期灌溉>对照和花期灌溉。磷肥对紫花苜蓿种子产量的影响不大,但灌溉对紫花苜蓿种子产量的影响表现为蕾期灌溉>对照处理>花期灌溉>花期和蕾期灌溉。水肥组合条件下,紫花苜蓿种子产量在2002年和2003的平均值分别为932 kg/hm2和1079kg/hm2,2003最高产量为1771kg/hm2,最低产量为528kg/hm2,2002年的最高产量为1642kg/hm2,最低产量为473kg/hm2。灌溉对种子产量的影响要比施肥大,种子产量基本以灌溉处理分为4个层次,蕾期灌溉的3个处理种子产量最高,均大于平均值;其次为对照处理(仅在返青期灌溉),其产量也显著高于平均值;再次为花期灌溉处理:最后为花期和蕾期灌溉处理,其产量均低于平均值。施肥可增加紫花苜蓿单位面积内的花序总数和花序内的荚果数,但对荚果内种子的产量无显著影响。灌溉可增加紫花苜蓿单位面积内的花序总数,表现为蕾期灌溉>对照>花期灌溉)蕾期和花期灌溉。而灌溉对花序内英果数的促进作用仅存在蕾期灌溉,其它处理间差异不显著。灌溉对紫花苜蓿荚果内种子产量的影响表现为蕾期灌溉)对照和花期灌溉)花期和蕾期灌溉。施肥和灌溉对种子产量在植株内垂直分布的影响以灌溉为主,施肥的影响不明显。灌溉次数越多,种子离地面分布的层次越高,蕾期和花期均灌溉时,在离地面70cm层内收获不到种子,在70-90cm间,产量也不到总产量的1%,产量主要分布在130-170 cm。蕾期灌溉时,种子起始收获高度为30~50 cm,主要产量分布在90-130 cm。花期灌溉时,种子分布起始高度为50-70 cm,主要产量分布在120-160 cm。而对照处理的种子分布层要比所有处理低的多,在0~30cm间已经有种子分布,当然产量所占的比重较少,其上限最高为130cm,产量主要分布在60~100cm。
英文摘要Establishing pasture is an important part of improving environment and sustainable development of husbandry and agriculture. Lucerne is widely used to restore sown pasture because it is more effective than cropland at decreasing runoff and soil erosion, whilst providing high protein forage for livestock. However, some lucerne cultivars introduced from abroad or other climatic regions are not suitable for the semi-arid conditions in western China. Therefore, selecting the well-adapted cultivars is essential. Previous studies focused on assessment the suitability in high rainfall regions or pot experiments in terms of forage yield, density and leaf-to stem ratio, neglecting root growth. Assessment on suitability of lucerne cultivars to dryland conditions is necessary and significant. Fertilization is essential constitutes of pasture management. Lots of studies have indicated that silicon, as an important fertilization, increases yield of gramineous crop like wheat, paddy and sugarcane. However, its effect on legumes crops is rare, particularly on lucerne. Cutting is an important utilization way to lucerne pasture. Because of the need to maximize the economic benefits, the effect of cutting on the aboveground parts of lucerne has been widely studied and indicates that cutting frequency affects forage yield. Its effect on root growth, however, remains poorly understood. Roots not only affect the ability of cultivars to decrease soil erosion, but also are key organs by which plants absorb and store nutrients. Therefore, it is important to study the effect of cutting frequency on root development in lucerne and soil water. Lucerne is the best adapted to well-drained, fertile soils. This requirement limits its seed production in the relatively large-scale regions that do not meet those criteria. The development and the seed yield component of this crop are strongly affected by the environmental factors. Irrigation and fertilization management are known to be important factors in seed production, because they affect a plant's ability to produce vegetative and reproductive material. Recommendations for optimum irrigation intervals and fertilization quantity for lucerne seed production vary in the literature, and previous research regarding the effect of irrigation and fertilization on lucerne seed prodcution cones from USA, Canada, France, Australia and New Zealand. For farmers, however, water management in lucerne seed production follows wheat seed production, and which need to be well defined. Phosphorus is an important nutrient for lucerne seedling development. Previous studies have demonstrated that P is beneficial to lucerne seedling and increases forage yield. However, its effects on seed production are not well known when compared to other major crop (such as wheat, corn, clover). The objective of this study has been to assess the suitability of different lucerne germplasm in dryland conditions, observe the effect of silicon and cutting frequency on the lucerne growth and identify characteristics of lucerne seed production induced by irrigation time and phosphorus fertilization. The results of this study is as following. First, The suitability of 9 lucerne cultivars was assessed in dryland conditions by comparing their root and aboveground growth in this experiment. This study indicated that significant differences were observed in secondary roots, taproot length, root volume and biomass among 9 cultivars. Their secondary roots grew mainly from the taproot underground 10 cm-20 cm depth and no secondary roots occurred below 50 cm depth. 65% of secondary roots grew in the vegetative stage. The secondary root total of Sandili and Ameristand201 was the biggest and that of Longdong was the lowest. The biomass and volume of Ameristand201 was the bigger than others cultivars, and those of Longdong was lower than others cultivars. The volume and biomass of 9 cultivars was decreased from 0~10cm depth to below 50 cm depth expect that the volume and biomass of Sandili and Ameristand201 at 20cm~30cm depth was bigger than at 10cm~20cm depth. Biomass increasing rate of Sandili, Ameristand201 and Amerigraze401 was fast, and smooth in every vegetative stage. The rate of Longdong, Sitel and Derby were slower before flowering stage, and were up dramatically later, middle of July, when plenty of rainfall was obtained. The rate of Goldenempress, Defi, Algonqiun were slower than that of Sandili and Ameristand201 and Amerigraze401, but faster than that of Longdong, Sitel and Derby . The Ameristand201 and the Sandili owning spatial resources in the soil were bigger than others, and the Longdong alfalfa was the lowest. The increase in taproot length was different among 9 cultivars. Significant differences have been found in yield, height, leaf-to-stem ratio, shoot, density and proline of leaves among 9 lucerne cultivars over 3 years. Yield of Ameristand 201 and Algonquin was bigger than that of 7 seven cultivars. Height of Sandili and Ameristand201 was higher than other cultivars, and the most increase rate in height was observed in Defi, Sitel, Longdong and Derby between the end of branching and the beginning of budding stage, Ameristand201 and Sandili at the budding stages, whilst Algonquin, Amerigraze401 and Goldenempress in the flowering beginning stage. SYR (stem-to leaf ratio) was different among 9 cultivars, and is the lowest at the budding stages in the growing season. Establishment density of Longdong was smaller than any other cultivars, however, its decrease rate over years was smaller than that of Goldenenpress, Algongquin, Defi, Ameriagraze401, Derby. Decrease in density is 5 plant/m2in Sandili, 10 plant/m2 in Sitel, Ameristand 201 and Longdong, 20 plant/m2 in Goldenenpress and Algongquin, 10-20 plant/m2 in Defi, Ameriagraze401, Derby. Significant difference occurred in shoots among 9 lucerne cultivars, and. shoots of Ameristand201, Defi, Goldenemtress and Longdong were steady in 2001, 2002 and 2003. However, other 5 cultivars in 2001 was smaller than 2002 and 2OO3.At the same growing time, prolinein leaves of Ameistand201 was higher than that of other 8 cultivars. Suitability of 9 lucerne cultivars was different based pn 5 aboveground' morphologic indicators, 4 root indicators, 1 physiological indicator and their combination respectively. Combining root and aboveground indicators, suitability of 9 lucerne cultivars, in decreasing order, was Ameristand 201, Algonquin, Sandili, Amerigraze 401, Goldenempress, Derby, Sitel, Defi, Longdong. Second, silicon significantly affected the lucerne growth. This study showed that silicon enhanced the photosynthesis by increasing the leaf area of lucerne and anti-lodge properties by reducing the leaf-stem angle. The significant effect of silicon on shoot was observed in pods stage not in vegetative growth stage, silicon increased natural height and dragged height of lucenre, and increased the yield 20~60% by increasing the biomass of anthotaxy, stem and leaf. This study also indicated that silicon increased the root volume and biomass (up 35%) and produced more secondary roots. Third, this study showed that cutting frequencies significantly influenced the root growth, yield, shoots and soil water. The results of this study found that the cutting restrained the taproot growth toward depth but increased its diameter growth and this trend became enhanced with more cutting frequencies. The secondary roots decreased and its distribution pattern changed in soil due to the more cutting, and the more the cutting frequency was, the more secondary roots distributed at the 0-10 cm depth interval. The cutting made the root volume and biomass decrease, and this decrease enhanced with more cutting times. This study also indicated that more cutting frequencies were advantageous to shoots and yield, and rational cutting frequency increased yield 30%. Soil water and its vertical distribution were changed in lucerne pasture by cutting frequencies. More cutting times increased the soil water. Soil water increased from 0-20 cm interval to 20-40 cm interval and reduced from 20-40 cm to 4Q-6Q cm in control. However, it increased from 0-20 cm to 40-60 cm in cutting treatments. With more cutting freauency, soil water first increased and then decreased at 0-20 cm interval, first decreased and increased at 20-40 cm interval, increased at 40-60 cm interval. Finally, phosphorus and irrigation frequencies significantly affected the productive shoots, seed yield, component of seed yield and spatial distribution of flowering, control and flowering stage. Combining irrigation and phosphorus, average seed yield was 932 kg/hm2 and 1079 kg/hm2 in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Phosphorus also had no effect on seed yield and irrigation significantly influenced the seed yield. Seed yield in bud irrigation and control was higher than average value, however, seed yield in flower irrigation was smaller than the average value and bigger than that in flower and bud irrigation. Phosphorus increased the anthotaxy per plants and pods per anthotaxy, and had no effect on the seed yield per pod. Irrigations in bud stage increased anthotaxy per plant and pods per anthotaxy and yield per pod, however irrigation in flower stage reduced anthotaxy per plant and yield per pod and had no effect on pods per anthotaxy. Irrigation significantly influenced the spatial distribution of seed in plant. Under irrigation in flower and bud stage, below 70 cm had not harvested the seed, 70~90 cm interval, seed was below 1%, 70~80% of seed was harvest at 130~170 cm interval, and 20% of seed was collected over 170 cm. In bud irrigation treatment, 3~5% of seed was harvest at 30~50cm interval, 70~80% of seed was harvest at 90~130 cm interval. 3~5% of seed was harvest in flower irrigation treatment, and 70~80% was at 120~160cm. 3% of seed was harvested at 0~30cm in control treatment, 70~80% of seed was harvested at 60~100cm interval.
中文关键词紫花苜蓿 ; 适应性 ; 灌溉次数 ; 刈割次数 ; 生长
英文关键词 Lucerne Suitability Silicon Irrigation frequency Cutting frequency Growth
GB/T 7714
郭正刚. 紫花苜蓿品种适应性评价及对硅素、灌溉和刈割次数的响应[D]. 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,2004.
