其他题名Study on the Net Primary Productivity and the Carbon Dynamics of West China
中文摘要植被生态系统净初级生产力(NPP)可以反映植物的生长状况和生产能力,可为再生资源管理提供高质量的综合信息。NPP是生物圈碳循环的重要分量,可用来计算净生态系统生产力(NEP)。NEP是指针生态系统碳源/汇的关键因子,在全球变化研究中占有重要的地位。本论文利用基于Monteith光能利用率理论的碳通量估算模型C-FIX,1km分辨率SPOT/VEGETAT10N遥感数据和全球1.5°*1.5°格网化逐日气象数据,估算了1998-2002年中国西部地区净初级生产力(NPP)及2002年净生态系统生产力(NEP)。通过研究中国西部地区NPP及NEP的时空动态分布规律,分析不同类型植被生态系统的碳循环各分量和土壤异养呼吸的季节变率特征,探讨了近五年来中国西部地区N即时空演变与区域气候变化以及人类活动之间的相互关系,定量描述了中国西部地区各种植被生态系统碳循环的时空动态规律,初步论证中国西部地区陆地生态系统在自然状态下所具有的碳汇地位及其贡献。第一章介绍本论文的研究意义,对国内外相关研究及进展作了较全面的综述。第二章是对C-FIX模型的全面介绍,包括模型的起源和发展,模型算法的设计。对GPP,NPP和NEP计算公式及其涉及的一系列参数的获取和参数化过程,都作了详细描述和解释。第三章介绍模型所需数据的获取和处理过程,这些数据包括:①中国西部地区1998-2002年1km分辨率逐旬NDVI数据集。该数据集来自于对171旬东亚地区SPOT/VEGEATION NDVI_S10遥感图像的处理;②中国西部地区1998-2002年0.25°格网化逐日太阳总辐射和气温数据集。该数据集来自于对法国气象局(Meteo France)全球1.5°*1.5°格网化逐日气象数据产品的处理;③中国西部地区1km分辨率的土地利用栅格图。该图来自于中科院地理所最新编制的1:100万中国土地利用矢量图,经过重新制图综合和矢栅转换等处理过程,将之制作成与C-FIX模型输出图像格式完全匹配的中国西部地区Ikm分辨率土地利用栅格图。第四章介绍将C-FIX模型运用到中国西部地区NPP及NEP估算时,对模型中涉及的各种区域性参数进行重新订正的过程,以反映中国西部地区的气候与植被特点。通过运行C-FIX,最终获得了中国西部地区1998-2002年间逐旬1km分辨率的NPP以及2002年NEP时空分布结果。第五章是模型验证部分,主要讨论了C-FIX模型运用在中国西部地区NPP估算时的精度问题。通过采用与实测好P数据和与其它NPP模型比较的两种验证方法,详尽客观地验证了模型计算结果,认为C-FIX模型适用于中国西部地区植被砰P和碳循环的估算和研究。第六章根据C-FIX模型输出的1998-2002年中国西部地区NPP的1公里分辨率格网图像,计算得到中国西部地区脚P年总量平均值约为0.95PgC/y,并详细描述了西部地区NPP的空间分布格局和季节动态特征,比较了不同土地利用类型生态系统在NPP年总量和平均水平上的差异,分析了近五年来中国西部地区NPP时空演变与区域气候变化以及人类活动之间的相互关系。第七章通过分析C-FIX模型估算的2002年中国西部地区NEP结果,估算出2002年中国西部地区土壤异养呼吸总量(Rh)约为0.8PgC/y,NEP总量约为0.16Pgc/y,平均NEP为28gC/m2/y,也就是说,在仅考虑中国西部地区植被生态系统的COZ收支平衡时,西部地区陆地生态系统起着一个大气CO2汇的作用与功能。本章也详细描述了西部地区NEP时空分布特征,通过定量分析不同类型植被生态系统的GPP、NPP、 NEP和土壤异养呼吸的月动态变化特征,深入研究了西部地区陆地生态系统碳循环规律及其碳源汇功能。第八章是本论文的结论和展望部分。陈述了本论文研究所获得的一些主要结论:1)中国西部地区NPP时空分布格局和演变是区域环境,气候,植被以及人类生产活动长期共同作用和影响的结果;2)在仅考虑中国西部地区自然生态系统的CO2收支平衡时,西部地区陆地生态系统从整体上起者一个大气CO2汇的作用,但局部地区呈现轻微的碳源现象。讨论了对C-FIX模型进行更多改进和完善的方面,尤其是利用遥感参数化方法将蒸散过程加入到模型中,这对量化西部干旱区水制约力对生态系统生产力的影响具有十分重要的意义。最后对进一步开展中国西部地区碳循环研究工作做出了一些展望,包括利用涡旋相关新技术对西部地区主要植被生态系统开展长期连续的大气一植冠一土壤间三维CO2通量测量工作,最终开发适用于中国西部地区且具有自主知识产权的区域碳循环模型等。
英文摘要Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is a parameter defined as the net amount of carbon absorpted by living plants per unit area and time. The accurate estimation of NPP on regional and global scale has become more and more important because (1) NPP is the source of all food, fiber and fuel that human beings survive on. The accurate estimation of NPP can provide quantitative information for sustainable resource management. (2) NPP is a key component of the terrestrial carbon cycle. It can be used to caculate the Net Ecosystem Productivity (NEP) by substracting the soil heterotrophic respiraton from it. NEP indicates the carbon balance and the magnitude of carbon sinks or sources hi the terrestrial ecosystems directly, which play an important role in the global climate change studies. The main objectevies of the study presented hi the dissertation are to estimate annual NPP and NEP of the terrestrial ecosytem in west China by using the C-FIX model, to illustrate the spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics of NPP and NEP in the region, to analyze the different characteristics of carbon cycle components (GPP, NPP, NEP and the soil respiration) of different vegetation ecosystems, to study the spatial and temporal changes of NPP and their responses to the regional climate change and human activities in west China during the past five years, and finally to get a preliminary evaluation of the carbon budget of the terrestrial ecosystem of the west China. Chapter 1 Introduction The monitoring of carbon dynamics in the terrestrial ecosystem is a crucial issue in global change stuty. In the chapter, the key components of the terrestrial carbon cycle such as GPP, NPP and NEP are conceptualized. In addition, a comprehensive literature review on this field is presented. Chapter 2 The Design of the C-FIX model C-FIX is a Monteith-type carbon cycle model driven by meteorlogical and remote sensing data. In this chapter, the C-FIX model is described. The algorithms, term and concept definitions, and parameters to calculate GPP, NPP and NEP are introduced in detail. Chapter 3 Data Processing The data sets for running C-FIX model include: (1) lkm 10-day maximized NDVI data sets of west China from 1998 to 2002, which were subsetted and derived from 171 S10 MVC TOC NDVI SPOT/VEGETATION images. (2) Daily mean temperature and incoming global solar radiation data sets of west China from 1998 to 2002 with the grid resolution of 0.25°, which were obtained and interpolated from the global meteorological data provided by Meteo France. (3). The land use map of west China with the resolution of lkm, which was compiled from the newest 1:1M land use map of China. Chapter 4 Running C-FIX Model in West China Some parameters and constants in the C-FIX model should be adjusted and calibrated when running it in different regions as west China. In order to improve the estimation of NPP and NEP of the terrestrial ecosytem in west China, the C-FIX model was calibrated to get a variety of regional parameters. These parameters can reflect the characteristics of the terrestrial ecosytem of west China very realistically. Chapter 5 Validation of the C-FIX Model The NPP of west China estimated from C-FK model was validated in this chapter. Two validation methods were applied: (1) Validation by comparing the estimated NPP with the in situ NPP observations; (2) Inter-comparison of the C-FIX model estimation with other NPP models such as CASA and BEPS model. According to the validation we concluded that the C-FIX model can estimate the NPP accurately and is suitable for carbon cycle research of the terrestrial ecosystem of west China. Chapter 6 The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of NPP in the Terrestrial Ecosystem of West China Based on the NPP output images of west China, which are in the resolution of lkm and last from 1998 to 2002, the mean annual toal amount of NPP accumulation in west China was calculated as 0.95PgC/y. The spatial distribution and seasonal changes of NPP were described in detail. The differences of NPP accumulation and mean NPP for different ecosystems in the study area were compared. Furthermore, the evolution of NPP in spatial struction and its response to the regional climate change as well as to human activities during the past five years were analyzed. Chapter 7 The NEP and the Carbon Cycle of the Terrestrial Ecosystem in West China Based on the output of NEP in the year of 2002, the total heterotrophic respiration (Rh) and the total NEP of the terrestrial ecosystem in west China was estimated as 0.8(=1015)PgC/y and 0.16PgC/y, respectively. The mean NEP was estimated as 28gC/m2/y. This means that the natural terrestrial ecosystem of west China plays a role of carbon sink in 2002. The spatial and temporal characteristics of NEP of the terrestrial ecosystem in west China were analyzed in detail. In addition, the typical monthly profiles of the key carbon cycle components (GPP, NPP, NEP and the soil respiration) for different vegetation types in west China were studied, which clearly indicate the carbon exchange and the magnitude of carbon sink/source for different ecosystems in west China. Chapter 8 Conclusions and Prospects We concluded that: (1) The spatial pattern and the temporal evolution of NPP of the terrestrial ecosystem in west China are resulted from the interaction among the regional environment, climate, vegetation, and long-term human activities. (2) The natural terrestrial ecosystem of west China in a whole plays a role of carbon sink with annual net carbon accumulated to 0.16PgC approximately in the year of 2002. On the other hand, some carbon sources appear in some area of the terrestrial ecosystem in west China, especially in the northern margin of the Tibetal plateau and the downstream areas of some arid inland river basins. Further potential improvement of the C-FIX model was also discussed. The short-term hydrological flux of evapotranspiration is expected to be added into the C-FIX model, which should improve the estimation of the limitation of water-use efficiency on NPP in the arid regions of China. Some prospects are expressed on futher researches of the carbon cycle in west China, such as applying the eddy covariance technique to measure CO2 fluxes at three-dimension and finer resolution in the main ecosystems of west China, and developing our own regional carbon cycle model.
中文关键词中国西部地区 ; 净初级生产力 ; 净生态系统生产力 ; 碳循环 ; C-FIX模型
英文关键词west China NPP (Net Primary Productivity) NEP (Net Ecosystem Productivity) carbon cycle C-FDC model
GB/T 7714
卢玲. 中国西部地区净初级生产力及碳循环研究[D]. 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,2003.
