其他题名Coupling patterns of the meta-ecosystem of mountain, desert and oasis and its emdollars analysis in the Hexi Corridor, Gansu, China
林慧龙; 肖金玉; 侯扶江
英文摘要The coupling of agro-ecosystems was initially put forward at the end of the 80s. In the middle of the 90s, Ren Ji-zhou and others systematically described the theory of system coupling which showed that system coupling is two or more potentially coupled systems, under artificial control of input and output of energy flow, material flow and information flow in larger systems, coupled to form new superior structure -function bodies. The general function of coupling between systems is to consummate the structure of the ecosystem, to release production potential and magnify ecological and economic value of the system. Hereafter, domestic and overseas scholars carried out detailed extensive research on the coupling model and coupling value for agro-ecosystems, where case research was mainly directed to the typical MOD (mountain-oasis-desert) coupling system in an inland arid area. The premise of reciprocal coupling between ecosystems is the reduction in the accumulation of free energy to stabilize the coupling system. Coupling patterns vary from each other. For a sub-ecosystem, the pattern can be regarded as a response strategy. Therefore, the optimal coupling pattern can be screened out by analyzing the economic and ecological value of possible system coupling patterns established by the use of cooperating game theory. There are energy, material, information, and monetary flows between sub-systems and between these and the external environment. However, attention was purely directed to economic value, so different energy -sources couldn’t be compared. Energy,material and monetary flows couldn’t be measured together, so only economic value was analysed. An integrated coupling value couldn’t be analysed. This research, by using cooperating game theory and emergy analysis theory, measured and compared emergy varying in origin and property using the same measurement unit in the agro-ecosystem. The energy, material, and monetary flows were unified through emergy analysis. Finally, the optimal coupling pattern was screened out after integrated analysis of economic, ecological, and social value. Actually, the grassland agro-ecosystem in the Hexi corridor is a meta-ecosystem composed of mountain, oasis and desert sub-ecosystems. The desert sub-ecosystem plays the role of matrix and ecological barrier for the whole meta-ecosystem. The mountain sub-ecosystem is the water conservation area and main producing area of livestock products for the meta-ecosystem. The oasis sub-ecosystem is zonal with high productivity and ability to exchange material, energy and information with the, external environment. The oasis sub-ecosystem plays a key role in coupling because it is the center of energy convergence and switch of the whole meta-ecosystem. The three sub-systems have distinct time and space differences in forage grass mid potential energy, which provides opportunity for coupling in time, space, quantity, order, and structure of the three sub-systems. Great production potential is released by the system coupling effect resulting from the oasis sub-system,as core, driving the mountain and desert sub-systems. The following uses the Sunan Mountain. desert in the northern area of Zhangye-Linze Oasis as an example, to describe the coupling patterns of the MOD meta-ecosystem. Solar transformations for the main types of energy and commodities are derived from previous studies,using those which are appropriate for regional analysis. sing cooperating game theory and considering the production practice of the MOD coupling ecosystem, the coupling pattern set of the MOD coupling ecosystem can be described as D= {Z_1,Z_2,Z_3,Z_4},in which coupling pattern I: Z_1 = (x_(11),x_(21),x_(31)) = {oasis sub-system providing forage to mountain and desert sub-systems} coupling pattern II: Z_2=(x_(12),x_(22),x_(32)) = {commodity sheep in mountain and desert sub-systems are transferred to oasis sub-systems to fatten} 1 coupling pattern III: Z_3 = (X_(13),x_(23)) = {breeding base in oasis providing lambs to mountain sub-system to make best use of the forage resource in summer}; and coupling pattern IV: Z_4= (x_(14),x_(24),x_(33))= {integration of coupling patterns I to III with optimized structure}.The optimal coupling pattern can be decided upon after conducting dynamic simulations with some decision factors for the meta-ecosystem, such as grassland degradation, water and soil loss, consumption of electricity, organic fertility, etc, and predicting the change in emdollars for the MOD meta-ecosystem with different coupling patterns, to provide a theoretical basis to take advantage of various resources effectively, to establish a sustainable grassland agro-ecosystem, and to increase agricultural productivity. The results of the established dynamic linear programming model were- At the level of available emergy devotion and the strength of management in existence, application of the new increase-in-emdollars’analysis for the four coupling patterns described for the meta-ecosystem of the Sunan Mountain,Zhangye Beishan Desert and Linze Oasis in the Hexi corridor ,Gnnsu , China,resulted in the emdoltars for the 4 coupling patterns increasing as follows.3.67,4.02,1.029, and 4.6 times, respectively. The fourth coupling pattern is the best coupling pattern. A science-based evaluation of a coupling system is now available to represent both environmental and economic values by using a common measure of emergy, therefore the emdollars analysis method provides a quantitative way to find what pattern for humanity and nature is sustainable.
中文关键词耦合模式 ; 能值分析 ; 宏观经济价值 ; 最优耦合模式
英文关键词coupling pattern emergy analysis emdollars optimal coupling pattern
WOS研究方向Environmental Sciences & Ecology
作者单位兰州大学, 农业部草地农业生态系统学重点开放实验室, 兰州, 甘肃 730020, 中国
GB/T 7714
林慧龙,肖金玉,侯扶江. 河西走廊山地-荒漠-绿洲复合生态系统耦合模式及耦合宏观经济价值分析--以肃南山地-张掖北山地区荒漠-临泽绿洲为例[J]. 兰州大学,2004,24(5):965-971.
APA 林慧龙,肖金玉,&侯扶江.(2004).河西走廊山地-荒漠-绿洲复合生态系统耦合模式及耦合宏观经济价值分析--以肃南山地-张掖北山地区荒漠-临泽绿洲为例.生态学报,24(5),965-971.
MLA 林慧龙,et al."河西走廊山地-荒漠-绿洲复合生态系统耦合模式及耦合宏观经济价值分析--以肃南山地-张掖北山地区荒漠-临泽绿洲为例".生态学报 24.5(2004):965-971.
